The Forty-Scholar Council of Imām Abū Hanīfah By Muntasir Zaman Among the various specialties of the Hanafī school of thought, one outstanding specialty is the rigorous manner in which it was developed. Imām Abū Hanīfah had a group of prominent scholars with whom he would consult. Often they would only come to a conclusion on a particular issue after debating it for three days.[1] As such, one...
A Chronological List of Prominent Hanafi Jurists – Arabic
جَدوَل لأسماء أعلام الفقهاء الحنفية ومواليدهم ووفياتهم مع ذكر بعض مؤلفاتهم لا يشك من له أدني إلمام بالعلم أن معرفة مواليد ووفيات الأعلام لها أهمية خاصة للباحث، وهذا لأسباب عديدة. منها أنها تعين الباحث على تعيين المراد باسم علم أو عنوان كتاب، وتحفظه من الأخطاء البينة من هذا القبيل. فإنه قد يتفق أن لكتابين عنوانا واحدا أو لعلمين اسما واحدا – مما يكون سببا للإختلاط على المبتدئ – مع أن الكتابين ألّفا...
A Chronological List of Prominent Hanafi Jurists – English
A Chronological List of Prominent Hanafi Jurists The importance of knowing the dates of birth/death of the scholars cannot be stressed enough. For one, it saves a researcher from obvious blunders and inaccurate referencing. Many a times, several scholars or books share the same name but are from entirely different eras. Thus, when a scholar like Ibn ‘Ābidīn quotes “al-Lubāb,” for example, it is...
A Diamond Among Rocks: Nisāb Al-Ihtisāb (The Manual of Al-Ihtisāb)
A Diamond Among Rocks: Nisāb Al-Ihtisāb (The Manual of Al-Ihtisāb) Among the many contributions of Islām which Muslims have rightfully boasted of through the ages has undoubtedly been its contribution in\ the line of academia. The very first revelation to the Messenger of Allāh (peace and blessings be upon him) bears first hand testimony to this fact. From the intricacies of language to the...
Is Giving a Lecture Before Jumu’a an Innovation?
Translator’s Preface It has become a norm in our era to label acceptable practices in religion as innovations. Unfortunately, our Masājid have become arenas of disputation and debate; luminaries and high-ranking Islamic scholars are branded as innovators. Many issues that have a legitimate basis in religion are rejected under the pretext that they are innovations not found in the early era of...
Every Rose Has its Thorns: Abū Bakr al-Jassās and the Influence of the Mu‘tazila
Every Rose Has its Thorns: Abū Bakr al-Jassās al-Rāzī and the Influence of the Mu‘tazila By Muntasir Zaman The proverbial statement of Imām Mālik, “The opinion of every person is subject to acceptance and rejection except the occupant of this grave [i.e. the Messenger of Allāh, may peace and blessings be upon him]”[1] is important to bear in mind when appraising Muslim personalities. From its...